Browsing the blog archives for September, 2008.

Actionscript 3 – PixelMorphing Class (now with source code)

actionscript 3, advanced image editing, algorithms, BitmapData, classes, fun, morphing, Particles

Updated on 04/27/2009: Class with some improvements to skip transparent pixels. The two images should however share the same amount (or similar) of visible pixels.
Lot of space for improvements here, if someone want to contribute very appreciated.

Ok, lot of time passed since I posted my PixelMorphing class experiment.
Seemed to me that post passed quite unobserved but then I received a lot of feedback and e-mail asking to share the source code.

Well, the first time I wanted to speed up posting and do further experimentation/optimization so I din’t prepare the source but since the main believe of this blog is that if someone ask for code I release it, here we are. Optimization still not done… I am a lazy one, so if someone want to help improve it is really welcome.

Now the steps to play with it:

  1. Download the PixelMorphing class
  2. Use it with this code:
import com.oaxoa.fx.PixelMorphing;
var pm:PixelMorphing=new PixelMorphing(pic1, pic2, 200);


or certainly you can place some buttons or some combo and wait for some event for it to start or reset. The main code of the previous post is this:

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