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Flex – (MacOs like) DockBar component

actionscript 3, Components, Flex

Some week ago for a project I was looking for a flex dockbar component. I found some but, the missing and most requested feature from users (and me too) was the ability to add items to the dockbar simply adding a mxml node so that click and rollover handlers, data bindings etc. could be easily implemented:


I could not find anything similar, so I wrote this component.

I did zillions of experiments like this in the past, but I tried to do it easy to set up, and tried to use the less code possible.
I found suprisingly easy to build it upon the HBox and Image components. Maybe not the most sofisticated implementation but so damn simple…

With some good ideas flex can be really easy to code.

See it moving (just move the mouse to the last 20px on the bottom):

Example #1 – Basic implementation
Example #2 – Basic implementation applied to a ViewStack
Example #3 – Tooltip, handcursor, rollover effects etc.

I need a component to place at the bottom of the screen so I hardcoded some params to place it but can be very easily tweaked.

Every example has view source enabled so just right click on it to view the code.

Here’s the code from example #1:


Do not remove the menuLabel and the activationArea elements. They was coded inside the actionscript of the component but then I moved them out to the mxml to make them easier to customize.

The activation area is the area to rollOver for the component to be opened (here 20px high… maybe 30 or 40 would be more confortable). The height of the dockbar instead is 100px and is the area to rollOut to make the component close.
Other parameters such minSize and maxSize are quite self-explanatory and limits the size of the icons.

The icons are embedded clips from a swf file. The registration point of the icons must be at the bottom-center.

Ths icons sizes are calculated based on horizontal and vertical distance. Many values are still hardcoded but could be easily parametrized.

You can try changing the backgroundColor and backgroundAlpha of the dockBar and the activation area to better understand how does it work.

Just leave a comment if you like it.


Actionscript 3 – Fun with 3D Particles

3D, actionscript 3, Math, morphing, Particles

Hi there, some time since I last posted a technical post so here we are.


I was experimenting with some simple 3d formulas and this is the result…
1200 particles morphing in 3D space.
Added an interactive camera to start having fun.


Simply move your mouse up/down to move camera forward/backward and left/right for strafing.
Perss SPACE bar to cycle particle conformation between four different shapes.

For better experience move forward and backward while particles are morphing…
Following the morph from behind while moving very fast feel very gratifing for me :)


On my old CPU it performs @31fps and neither takes the cpu at 100%
No z-sorting here, just fun. I am not trying to build a real 3d engine… and no class for now, just some procedural code, but I am sure my cool readers will not have problems wrapping it inside a class definition if needed. Also this site’s loading time is quite slow lately, to enhance it I might move into small business hosting in the future.

Caurina Tweener needed.

Experience the demo

And here come the code! Simply past it in the first frame actions of a new fla.

Continue Reading »


APE – Actionscript Physics Engine – Test 1

actionscript 3, APE, fun, Math, Physics, simulation

Hi there, I started today playing with APE – Actionscript Physics Engine (Alpha 0.45) and it’s really cool stuff.

My intention would be creating a physical based little funny game, but I need to start with some simple experiments so why not post’em here…

There are issues I still don’t understand so don’t know if are bugs or simply I should read APIs deeper. One thing I cannot realize is why if I change runtime the height or width properties of a RectangleParticle or the radius property of a CircleParticle, collisions are calculated correctly upon the new values, but cannot really manage to force a correct repaint with the new dimensions.
In the code that follows I have trhee rotating RectangleParticles with the alwaysRepaint parameter set to true and I can correctly see the rectangles rotating, but if I change size runtime nothing changes (except the collision). Neither calling the particle.paint() method at everyframe, which is an alternative to alwaysRepaint method, works.

However everything else is really supercool and moving a lot of self colliding particles @60fps!

Here we go with my first test:

Run the test

Simply set the import folders for external classes in your Flash or Flex project pointing to the folder where you downloaded APE and copy these few lines of code to the first frame in you timeline.

import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.utils.Timer;
import flash.filters.GlowFilter;
import org.cove.ape.*;
import com.oaxoa.components.FrameRater;

stage.frameRate = 60;
addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, run);

APEngine.container = this;

// masslessforce aka gravity
APEngine.addMasslessForce(new Vector(0,4));

var defaultGroup:Group = new Group();
defaultGroup.collideInternal = true;

// instance the three rectangles
var rp:RectangleParticle = new RectangleParticle(150,250,250,25,0,true);
var rp2:RectangleParticle = new RectangleParticle(400,250,250,25,0,true);
var rp3:RectangleParticle = new RectangleParticle(275,450,150,20,0,true);

// set some graphical style
rp.setLine(0, 0xff0000, 0);
rp2.setLine(0, 0xff0000, 0);
rp3.setLine(0, 0xff0000, 0);

// fixed particles are not always repainted for speed issues, but these ones will
// be rotating, so we need to force the repaint at every frame

// add rectangles


var a:Number=0;
var r:Number=15;
function run(evt:Event):void {
	// check for removal if the particle is offscreen
	for each (var p:AbstractParticle in defaultGroup.particles) {
		if (>550+r || p.px<-r || p.px>550+r) {
	// some rotating fun
	var arad:Number=a/180*Math.PI;
	// do the simulation and the render step
// timer to add particles
var timer:Timer=new Timer(50);
timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, ontimer);
function ontimer(event:TimerEvent):void {
	var cp:CircleParticle = new CircleParticle(Math.random()*350+100,-20,Math.random()*r+1);
	cp.setLine(0, 0xff0000, 0);

// add the frame rater to check how smooth it is running
var fr:FrameRater=new FrameRater(0xcccccc);



Weird Math (aka “IEEE-754 double-precision floating-point number sucks”)

actionscript 3, bugs, Math

Open your favorite actionscript editor and type:

var n:Number=123456789012345672;
// outputs: 123456789012345660

or simply:

// outputs: 123456789012345660

now try incrementing the number by one:

// outputs: 123456789012345680

oh dear… IEEE-754 is the specification on which the Number class of actionsctipt/javascript (all ecma…) and many others language is based.

IEEE-754 sucks!

Reading some documentation this format should support 53 digits numbers… but seems kinda different.

Ok ok those were high numbers… but try this:

// outputs: 0.30000000000000004
// outputs: 0.6000000000000001
// outputs: 0.9
// outputs: 1.2000000000000002
// outputs: 1.5

I was thinking to use actionscript to collaboratively solve some of Project Euler problems… just for fun, but I don’t think I will waste just a single line of code on this from now on.
This really disappoints me, I mean, if computers cannot either do math, why the hell am I still sitting here?


Asciify – Actionscript 3 (as3) Ascii Art class

actionscript 3, ascii art, BitmapData, classes

There are trends on the web (as in real world) that last days or weeks and there are things that became a classic form of expression of the geek culture and are still interesting to explore after 20+ years.

Ascii Art is one of these things. If you don’t know what ascii art is you’re probably reading the wrong blog, however for the one or two that doesn’t know about it, here you can learn more about it: Ascii art on wikipedia.

I always had in mind the idea to create an actionscript class to render ascii art from pictures and now with as3 this is going to be possible at decent speed.

My class is called Asciify and it can actually “ascii-fy” every DisplayObject instance on the display list.

Usage is very simple and it’s actually REALLY fast.
Didn’t think AVM2 could asciify a video in real time but I was wrong. You cannot go further certain resolutions but if you stay on small videos with decent detail 30fps are guaranteed.

This is the constructor method:

public function Asciify(targetClip:DisplayObject, tformat:TextFormat, pixelSize:Number=8, negative:Boolean=false) {

and this is a sample usage:

var asciifyInstance:Asciify=new Asciify(picture, textFormat, 16);

Demos & download

See a working demo here:
Asciify class test demo 1
Pictures demo

Another demo applied to a video (see original video here)… this demo uses a glow effect too that make you loose a couple o fps but I couldn’t resist:

Asciify class test demo 2
Video demo

You can offcourse apply it to an animated movieclip or anything else.
In this demos I use ProggyCleanTT font, but you can use any monospaced font that must be imported into the library and have a linkage (in this case I gave it “Font1″ linkage name).
Then just play a little with size, leading and kerning of the textformat to achive the desired effect.

Here is the class:

Asciify class download

Just extract it to [your custom classes folder]/com/oaxoa/fx/

Here is the code for the video demo:

import fl.controls.Button;
import flash.text.TextFormat;
import flash.filters.GlowFilter;
import fl.controls.CheckBox;
import com.oaxoa.fx.Asciify;
import com.oaxoa.components.FrameRater;

var glow:GlowFilter=new GlowFilter(0xffff00);


// setup the TextFormat object to use
var font:Font=new Font1();
var textFormat:TextFormat=new TextFormat();

// create an istance of the class and add a nice glow filter
var asciifyInstance:Asciify=new Asciify(video, textFormat, 6);

// update asciifyInstance at every frame
addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onframe);

function onframe(event:Event):void {


// just add some interface for the demo
// you don't really need stuff below this line

var interfaceFormat:TextFormat=new TextFormat();

var cb:CheckBox=new CheckBox();
cb.label="Glow active";
cb.setStyle("textFormat", interfaceFormat);

cb.addEventListener(Event.CHANGE, oncb);

function oncb(event:Event):void {
	cb.selected ? asciifyInstance.filters=[glow] : asciifyInstance.filters=[];

var button:Button=new Button();
button.label="Copy frame to clipboard";
button.setStyle("textFormat", interfaceFormat);

button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onclick);

function onclick(event:MouseEvent):void {

var fr:FrameRater=new FrameRater(0xffffff);
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