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Easter cleaning – WP update, new theme and bye bye nofollow

general, nofollow

I just updated WP to the latest release, installed a new theme (Dilecto was very cool but too fancy for my flavour) and installed a nofollow-remover plugin.

New theme:

This new templates name is “Not so Fresh” and you can find more info at the bottm of the page. It’s still far from waht I want but is much cleaner than the previous and I am still to busy/lasy to customize it or do my own. I work on too many sites and css designs to have some time to do my own.
As we say here in Italy the shoemaker walks with broken shoes…


I personally admin every comment so there’s no chance that a spam comment could pass so why not give a little reward to my comments’ authors? I just installed NoFollow Free and from what I read in the features list is the best among the others.

It has many available settings. My settings will work in this way:
The nofollow attribute is removed from authors’ websites links but not from link in the comment text.
The attribute will be removed to author with more than 5 comments.

I am working on some cool experiments so stay tuned for more goodies.



Happy Easter 2008


It’s almost four months since I started this blog and yet have a lot of aficionados readers and useful comments.
Thanks to everybody for the support and have a happy Easter! :-)


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Welcome to my brand new blog.

As described in the about page I will try to discuss about actionscript 3 and other web related topics.
I am now trying to find some cool theme for this wordpress based blog to start with a decent presentation and then eventually customize it.

If you’ve got some good link to pass me just type it in the comments.

Thanks to everybody will wanna read me.

Pierluigi Pesenti

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